Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Randy Hillier

“I congratulate Randy on his nomination as the Ontario PC candidate in Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston for the 2018 election. 


“Since being elected in 2007, Randy has been an integral member of our PC Caucus as a relentless advocate for the needs and concerns of rural Ontario. His focus to always put his constituents first has made him incredibly popular within his community.

“Randy is tireless in his efforts to hold the out-of-touch Liberal government accountable. Most recently Randy’s diligent work on the government’s election financing legislation has meant we now have stronger, more transparent rules with fewer loopholes. His commitment to freedom, justice and democracy has been unwavering, and I thoroughly appreciate having his voice in our Ontario PC Caucus.

“After 13 years in power, life is harder under the Wynne Liberals. Hydro rates are skyrocketing. Health care services are being slashed. Billions of dollars have been wasted on Liberal scandals. It’s time for a change at Queen’s Park.  

“I look forward to working with Randy as we continue to spread the Ontario PC Party’s vision of a more prosperous province.”