Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the nomination of Ross Romano in Sault Ste. Marie

“I congratulate Ross on his nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Sault Ste. Marie.

“After his historic victory in the by-election, a riding that hasn’t been held by the PCs for over thirty years, Ross has stood as a passionate and dedicated voice for the North. Serving as the Ontario PC’s critic for Northern Jobs and the Ring of Fire, he has urged the government to get moving on the once in a lifetime economic mining opportunities in the North. 

“At Queen’s Park, Ross has expressed the importance of learning more about issues facing First Nation communities in the area. In October, he visited remote Indigenous communities in the area surrounding the Ring of Fire to see first-hand some of the living conditions on the reserve, and he’s been taking weekly Ojibway language classes.

“In his short time at Queen’s Park, Ross has already proven himself to be a phenomenal champion for the people of Sault Ste. Marie.  

“The Wynne Liberals have treated Northern Ontario as a ‘no man’s land,’ and it is time for a change. Only the Ontario PC Party will put Northern Ontario first, and make sure hardworking families pay less and get ahead.

“In Sault Ste. Marie and across the province, the Ontario PC Party will continue to work hard for a better future. I look forward to continuing my work with Ross as we share our positive message of change for the better.”