Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the Scarborough subway extension News Date

“Tomorrow, the Toronto City Council will vote on the Scarborough Subway. While the people of Scarborough have been represented by ‘subway champions’ at City Council, it’s unfortunate they haven’t had strong voices at the Queen’s Park table.

“The Wynne Liberals love to talk about the subway extension during by-elections, but so far all the people of Scarborough have seen are more empty and broken promises. When it comes to the Scarborough subway talk is cheap. The people want to see action. It’s time to put shovels in the ground and give Scarborough the subway it deserves.


“The people of Scarborough have watched as the Wynne Liberal Government has sat on its hands for well-over 13 years as Scarborough’s transit needs have been ignored.

“Kathleen Wynne and this Liberal Government have taken Scarborough for granted. Scarborough deserves better. An Ontario PC Government would stand up for the people of Scarborough and deliver the subway they need and deserve.”