“Today I was disappointed to learn that the Wynne Liberals have backed away from a project for the University of Windsor that has been in the works for half a decade. I am a proud graduate of the Windsor law school and it’s hard not to recognize that an expansion into a larger facility would be a significant boost for the university and the city.
“What is particularly disappointing is that the Wynne Liberals have mismanaged provincial funds and created such a mess that they miss important projects like this that will create jobs, support local economies and boost education.
“We even saw red flags go up last week by the Financial Accountability Officer who challenged the fiscal credibility of the Wynne government.
“It’s particularly disappointing when we instead see the Wynne Liberals using our tax dollars for giant ducks to celebrate Canada Day, or for buying Canada Goose jackets for staff.
“Life is harder under the Wynne Liberals. Ontario families are paying more and getting less.”