Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on the Wynne Liberals’ Ring of Fire announcement

“The Ring of Fire represents an unprecedented economic and jobs opportunity for the North. Unfortunately, since its discovery in 2007 it has not been a priority for the Liberals. They are only in the North now because we’re a year out from an election. Any promise Kathleen Wynne makes on the Ring of Fire today she will break if she wins again.

The Liberals have promised action on the Ring of Fire time and time again, but they can’t be trusted. They’ve sat on their hands and haven’t gotten anything done. They announced funding for the Ring of Fire for three budgets in a row, but this was just window dressing. And shockingly, in the most recent budget, the Wynne Liberals removed any reference to the Ring of Fire whatsoever. Where’s the funding for today’s announcement coming from? After years of taking the North for granted, now, in an election year they’re pretending to show up and deliver. 

The next election is going to be about who will make it easier for families to make ends meet and get ahead. Only the Ontario PC Party will make Northern Ontario a priority.  One of my first actions as Premier would be to take real and tangible action on the Ring of Fire.”