Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on Toronto City Council’s Support of the Scarborough Subway

Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown made the following statement today regarding Toronto City Council’s vote to approve next steps in building the Scarborough Subway:


“I applaud Mayor John Tory and City Council for showing leadership, and voting to get shovels in the ground for an infrastructure project that is critical for the people of Scarborough.  

With this important step completed, it is now time for action.  We must put shovels in the ground to help alleviate congestion for Scarborough commuters and better connect them to jobs and their families.  We urge the City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario to move ahead without further delay. 

Scarborough’s infrastructure needs have been ignored for far too long. The Ontario PC Party has always been supportive of subways. The people of Scarborough want subways. Our Ontario PC Candidate for Scarborough-Rouge River, Raymond Cho, supports a subway.  Unfortunately, Scarborough-Rouge River remains the forgotten district throughout these transit debates. That is why we support the originally announced Subway extension beyond Scarborough Town Centre, to Sheppard Avenue and McCowan Road. 

The people of Scarborough are still waiting for the Scarborough subway the Liberals promised them during the by-election in 2013. Now a subway has been delayed until at least 2026. That’s unacceptable. This is a broken promise for transit in Scarborough-Rouge River that I’d like to see fulfilled.

Unfortunately the Wynne Liberal Government is known for going back on their promises.  We are hopeful that this government will honour their commitments and ensure the funding they have promised to the City of Toronto so that this project gets underway, and Scarborough finally gets the subway they deserve.”