“The Ontario PC Caucus was glad to see that all three parties joined together to pass a bill ending winter disconnections, because as we have always said, there is no monopoly on a good idea. Unfortunately, this comes after far too many families and seniors were forced to suffer in the cold without power because the Wynne Liberals dragged their feet and played political games.
“The Wynne Liberals never had to jam winter disconnections into an omnibus bill, and instead they could have passed it as a separate bill with all-party support. When Bill 27 didn’t pass in December, the Wynne Liberals could have immediately issued a ministerial directive that would have ended winter disconnections for good. Finally, the Liberal Government refused four separate opportunities to fast track the end of winter disconnections yesterday. In total, the Wynne Liberals have missed seven opportunities to end heartless winter disconnections.
“It’s clear that the Wynne Liberals are out of touch to the challenges families are facing every single day. Life is getting harder in Ontario, and the Ontario PC Caucus is going to continue to stand up for the people against a government that’s only in it for their own political self-interests.”
- June 8, 2016: First Reading of Bill 218, the Burden Reduction Act. The Ontario PC Caucus votes in favour. The bill would later be wiped from the order paper following prorogation.
- September 27, 2016: First Reading of Bill 27, the Burden Reduction Act. The Ontario PC Caucus votes in favour.
- November 29, 2016: Second Reading of Bill 27, the Burden Reduction Act. The Ontario PC Caucus votes in favour.
- December 8, 2016: The House recesses for the winter break. In the month of December, the legislature passed five government bills, including three that were fast tracked as a part of an end of session agreement. Bill 27 was never put on the table by the Wynne Liberals to be included in an end of session agreement.
- December 9, 2016 – February 20, 2017: Knowing that the bill failed to pass at the end of the fall legislative session, the Minister of Energy fails to introduce a ministerial directive ending winter disconnections. The OEB has confirmed that the Minister has the capabilities to do so.
- February 21, 2017: The Ontario PC Caucus tries three times to speedily pass a Private Member’s Bill ending winter disconnections, but the Wynne Liberals refuse to grant the needed unanimous consent. The NDP also introduced a motion to speedily end winter disconnections. The Ontario PC Caucus supported this motion, but the Wynne Liberals blocked it.