Statement from Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown on World Alzheimer’s Day

“September 21st marks World Alzheimer’s Day, an opportunity to raise awareness for the global fight against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. 


Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease that affects all aspects of a person’s behaviour. It places unmeasurable hardship on the loved ones and caregivers of those affected. The pain of watching the person you know and love slip away is something no one should have to endure.  

When I was younger, I spent a period of time living with my grandmother. During that time she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I still vividly remember the doctor saying that dementia is one of the saddest ways to lose a loved one.  With 1 in 10 seniors living with some form of dementia, many Ontarians have had an experience similar to my own. 

This should not be thought of as an inevitable part of aging. Neurological experts and researchers believe a cure for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia exists. As understanding of the field grows, we are gaining more and more insight on how to delay, treat, and prevent this disease. We can beat this. As Leader of the Ontario PC Party, I will fight every single day – for my grandmother and those like her – to ensure the resources are available, so that we can succeed.”