Statement from Ontario PC MPP Lisa Thompson on the Joint Climate Change Declaration

Ontario PC Environment and Cap-and-Trade Critic Lisa Thompson issued the following statement on the Joint Climate Change Declaration that was signed in Guadalajara:


“The Wynne Liberals are doubling down on their cap-and-trade scheme after signing an agreement with Mexico that could see Ontario businesses buying Mexican carbon credits in the future.

This comes after Quebec and California fell well short in meeting their revenue expectations from their cap-and-trade schemes in last week’s auction. Now it appears that the Liberals are scrambling to add new partners.

As it stands, the Wynne Liberal’s cap-and-trade scheme will already see an estimated $300 million flow from Ontario to California by 2020, and that number is expected to rise to $3 billion by 2030.

Now the Wynne Liberals have entered into an agreement with Mexico. The Ontario PC Party believes that working with businesses to address climate change issues, through innovation and conservation, rather than by forcing them to send money to Mexico, is the best way forward.

Bringing on additional international partners to her cap-and trade-scheme, before it has even started, exposes Ontarians to long-term risks that we just can’t afford. Ontario lost 36,000 jobs last month; we are asking the Premier to focus on Ontario’s immediate issues, like affordable electricity. Instead she is finding ways to send our money abroad through her reckless cap-and-trade scheme.”