“Despite some calling her party a sinking ship, today the Premier’s floating life line arrived to the Toronto Harbourfront. The Giant rubber duck the Premier spent $120,000 on as part of the Canada 150 celebrations is now moored in the harbour.
“The weather forecast for the next three days calls for rain, thunderstorms, and then more thunderstorms, so those hoping to see wasted tax dollars float in a lake will be out of duck.
“Sadly this is just more quack economics from a tired Liberal Party whose appetite for wasting taxpayers dollar is limitless. I will continue to call on Premier Wynne to throw this giant baby duck out with the bathwater.
“As the PC Critic for Tourism, Culture, and Sport, I am not against people enjoying Canada Day festivals and festivities, but what I object to is the government funding a giant rubber duck that has no connection to Ontario or Canada 150.”