The following is a statement from Ontario PC ORPP Critic Julia Munro regarding the Government’s costing of the ORPP wind-down:
“Sadly, this is yet another example of Liberal waste and mismanagement at the expense of Ontarians’ hard earned tax dollars, just like the $1.1 billion gas plant scandal we are still paying for.
In typical Liberal fashion, this government needlessly and recklessly pushed their agenda forward, putting politics ahead of Ontario’s best interest.
The Ontario PC Caucus believed all along that an enhancement to the CPP was the better route and repeatedly called on the Premier to put plans for the ORPP on hold. Getting the CPP enhancement could have cost a plane ticket to Vancouver, instead the government wasted $70 million.
Frankly, the Wynne Liberals owe Ontarians an apology and a cheque from the Ontario Liberal Party for $70 million.”