Statement from PC Children and Youth Services Critic Sylvia Jones on Changes to Autism Services for Children

The following is a statement from the Ontario PC Critic for Children and Youth Services Sylvia Jones on changes to the delivery of autism services for children:


“Today’s announcement signals the Minister has listened to the concerns raised by thousands of parents, experts, organizations, municipalities and both opposition parties regarding the government’s original decision to remove children over the age of five from receiving Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) therapy. 

Since the March 29th announcement, the Ontario PC Caucus and I have been working directly with families impacted by the government’s decision and service providers on how to address this issue. We continuously called on the government to reverse their decision and shared countless stories from families and experts that spoke of the benefits of IBI therapy for children over the age of five. 

With today’s announcement, no longer will children over the age of five be removed from receiving this life-changing therapy. I want to thank the Minister for making these important changes.  

We look forward to reviewing details of the government’s plan, and we will continue to advocate on behalf of affected families as the government moves forward with implementation. Every child deserves access to life-changing therapy, and I look forward to continue working on ensuring every child in Ontario reaches their fullest potential.”