The following is a statement from Ontario PC Environment and Cap-and-Trade Critic Lisa Thompson condemning the Liberals’ lack of action in remediating the toxic mercury levels in the Wabigoon River:
“The Liberal Government has had more than a decade to address the toxic levels of mercury in the Wabigoon River and its effects on the health of the people living on Grassy Narrows First Nation, yet has chosen not to act. While the government sits idly by, more people are at risk of getting sick. Their action, or inaction as it were, is unacceptable.
“We have a government-funded report that says mercury levels are still dangerously high and that it is possible to clean the river, yet the Premier and the Environment Minister have still failed to take action. That is not the kind of leadership the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation, or Ontarians, deserve.
“This week it was reported that the Liberal Government ignored information from a first-hand witness about the potential haphazard dumping of mercury and salt in a pit near the Wabigoon River for seven months. How much more information does this government need in order to act? How many more people need to get sick before that threshold is met?
“The Liberal Government has a responsibility to investigate all claims of toxic dumping, especially when the health of Ontarians is at risk. The time for meetings, photo-ops and ‘looking into things’ is over. The Premier and her Environment Minister must act on the information in the government report and from the witness, and immediately investigate why mercury levels are so high.”