Statement from PC Leader Vic Fedeli

“It is humbling and an honour to have the unanimous support of my friends in the Ontario PC Caucus and I graciously accept the position of Leader.
“The last 48 hours have not been easy. I want to commend the brave women who had the courage to come forward and share their stories. Harassment has no place in our society. Any allegations of sexual misconduct must be taken very seriously.

“Our Party, and the people of Ontario have a great challenge ahead. I am prepared to lead this Party moving forward. We need to focus immediately on Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals. There’s no time to waste.

“The days, weeks, and months ahead will not be easy. But, I’m confident that as a team we can, and will, bring the change Ontario needs. Change that renews Ontario’s status as the best place in Canada to live, work and raise a family.”