“The Party’s Leadership Election Organizing Committee is pleased that Mr. Justice Archibald decided in favour of a Leadership race process that will elect a new Leader on March 10, 2018. The ruling approves of how the Ontario PC Party handled a leadership election in an unprecedented and challenging time.
“Our committee was mandated to develop and deliver a fair election to elect the next Leader of the Ontario PC Party, and this ruling confirms we have been consistent with this mandate.
“This committee, a dedicated group of volunteers, came together under difficult circumstances and under tight timelines to conduct a secure, open and transparent election. We did this not only because we were directed to do so by the PC Party executive under the Party Constitution, but because we are committed to the Party and its success in a general election that begins in just two months.
“We have already broken a voting record in this Leadership race. To date, more ballots have been cast than in any other Leadership race in our Party’s history. With 64,053 voters, this is over twice the number that voted in the 2009 Leadership.
“Our remote balloting process has been secure, open and transparent from the outset. While it was not perfect, we took immediate action when challenges emerged. We worked closely with campaigns to accommodate the needs of members, including extending the verification period three times and extended voting once.
“We will review this process in its entirety once it is complete, in light of the challenges, and offer solutions to avoid them in the future.
“We look forward to moving forward together as a Party that is united and strong.”