Statements from the Ontario PCs on the nomination of Chris Lewis

Statement from Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford on the nomination of Chris Lewis
“I congratulate Chris‎ on his nomination as the Ontario PC candidate for Essex. 
“Chris is a great addition to our Ontario PC team. As an entrepreneur, business owner and a long-time resident of Kingsville, Chris has always been engaged in his community. He has a passion for community service, and always puts his community first. 
“Chris’ experience as a councillor for the Town of Kingsville and as a firefighter for the Kingsville Fire Department make him an excellent candidate. Chris has a wealth of experience fighting and standing up for his community. I know he would be a strong representative for Essex. 
“Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals can’t be trusted. For 15 years they have made life harder for Ontario families. They have skyrocketed hydro rates, implented an expensive cap-and-trade carbon tax, slashed front-line health care, and tripled the debt. 
“The people of Essex deserve a government they can depend on – a government that will respect the taxpayer, end the culture of waste at Queen’s Park, and stand up for the little guy. 
“The Ontario PC Party will build a more prosperous Ontario. I look forward to working with Chris as we share our message of change with Essex and Ontario families.” 

Statement from Ontario PC Candidate for Essex, Chris Lewis

“I am honoured, humbled and excited to carry the Progressive Conservative Flag for the riding of Essex. Throughout the riding of Essex, I continue to hear that people desperately want change, lower taxes and a champion to finally complete the widening of Hwy #3. I am ready to go to work when elected June 7th.”