TORONTO, May 16, 2022 – It’s clear that Steven Del Duca will say anything to get elected.
When Steven Del Duca was running to be the leader of the Ontario Liberals just a few short years ago, he stated, “we know that the physical infrastructure of the transit system here in Toronto today is under extreme pressure and if we move too quickly across the board with making transit far more affordable, we run the risk of actually making it dramatically more dangerous, dramatically less safe for commuters.”
In his own words, Steven Del Duca stated that subsidizing transit is ‘dangerous’ and ‘less safe’ for commuters. This is in stark contrast with the ‘buck-a-ride’ policy that Steven Del Duca has released.
Does Steven Del Duca think that his own policy is dangerous for commuters? Or is this just another example of Steven Del Duca promising anything to voters in an election?
After all, Del Duca was Kathleen Wynne’s right hand man when they called promises “stretch goals.”
Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PC team have a plan to get it done by saying YES to building the transit and infrastructure that Ontario needs to get you home to your family faster and YES to keeping costs down and putting more money back in your pockets.