Strengthening Community Safety in Peel

Violent gun crime and gang activity puts our communities at risk and affects how people live their lives. Canadians have the right to feel safe in their communities.

Our PC Government is committed to boosting local efforts across the province to help keep our streets safe. That is why we are taking strong action by providing $20.5 million to Peel Regional Police to ensure our men and women uniform in the region have the tools and resources they need to combat gun and gang-related violence and put criminals where they belong – behind bars.

The new funding will help deploy additional frontline officers to take action when and where it is it needed the most. Part of the funding will go towards the Peel Regional Police Community Mobilization Program, which engages members of the community on projects to improve public safety, such as neighborhood watches. It will also help support the region’s fight against gun and gang violence as part of Ontario’s Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy.

Our Party will continue to do everything in its power to help build safer communities and support local police in our collective fight against gun and gang violence. Add your name to our petition if you support our efforts to dismantle gangs and put criminals behind bars.