Strengthening the Fight Against Crime

Additional $2.8 million will provide police with the tools and resources they need to combat gun and gang violence, sexual violence, and harassment, and human trafficking

Our PC government is committed to providing police services across the province with the tools they need to combat crime and keep our communities safe.

One of the ways we are doing that is through the Community Safety and Policing Grant program. Today, we were pleased to announce that we are investing an additional $2.8 million over two years through this grant program.

This new investment will help police services and their community partners across the province expand their capability to respond to public safety priorities, including gun and gang violence, sexual violence and harassment, and human trafficking. It also builds on the $195 million provided last year through the grant program over three years. 

Ontario’s police services play a key role in maintaining public safety. They know what it takes to combat crime and hold offenders accountable. This crucial investment will help more Ontario communities take direct action where, and when, it’s needed to keep us all safe.