Providing eligible health care and frontline workers with free emergency child care for school-aged children
Our PC government made the difficult but necessary decision to protect families from rising community transmission by moving Ontario schools to remote learning.
To support Ontario families during this time, we are once again providing emergency child care for children of frontline health and safety workers, at no cost to parents. This will support school-aged children of frontline workers during the period that elementary schools will offer virtual learning only. It’s Ontario’s way of supporting those most critical during this pandemic — including nurses, grocery store clerks, and first responders.
We recognize the difficulties this pandemic has imposed on all families – that’s why we are committed to supporting them, including through additional direct financial support of nearly $1B with the Ontario COVID-19 Child Benefit.
We are also taking action to protect consumers by prohibiting parent fees from being charged at this time for services that are suspended, such as before and after school care programs. We remain focused on getting kids back to in-person learning as soon as it is safe to do so, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health.