Supporting Local Restaurants

New legislation proposes to cap delivery fees for restaurants where indoor dining is prohibited due to COVID-19

Ontario’s small and independent restaurants have shouldered an outsized share of COVID-19’s economic burdens. That’s why our PC government is taking additional action to help them stay in business by introducing legislation that would protect them from high delivery fees.

The proposed legislation, Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 would temporarily reduce food delivery fees to help support Ontario’s small and independent restaurants, sustain the vitality of our main streets and communities, and protect local jobs. 

If passed, the act will: 

  • Give the government the authority to limit fees by regulation. 
  • Permit fines of up to $10 million to food delivery service companies that do not comply with the law. 
  • Provide food delivery company employees or contractors with protection that their compensation will not be affected by these changes. 

Working with restaurants and these delivery companies, we believe we have reached a commission cap that will help out small restaurants while ensuring delivery drivers are protected, and consumers continue to have access to these apps.

Our PC government will continue to explore all options to support Ontario’s small business and restaurant community, and will never stop fighting to help them weather this storm.