The Kathleen Wynne election spending tour

Today, Kathleen Wynne continued her election spending tour. This brings her three day spending total to more than $4 billion.

“The problem with the Wynne Liberals is that they will say, promise and do anything to stay in power. Kathleen Wynne continued her election spending tour today,” said Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford.

“She is touring our province on your dime, and writing a lot of cheques from the taxpayer’s bank account. Having looked at the finances of this province, I can tell you that her cheques are going to bounce.”

“The people of Ontario are tired of a government that treats taxpayers as an ATM. Under our PC Government, the party with the taxpayer’s money will be over,” concluded Ford. “We will make sure that your tax dollars are respected. We will give a voice to seniors and hard working families and make life more affordable for every resident of Ontario.”