For 22 years, Pete has served Hamilton as an officer of the Hamilton Police Service, including as Supervising Sergeant of the Crisis Response Branch since 2019. In this role, Pete has worked with community partners specializing in a co-response model to service those dealing with homeless, addiction and mental health crisis. In 2022, Pete was instrumental in securing a grant worth $8.3 million, in part to pay the salaries of those specialized social service workers, creating a new service model called the Rapid Intervention and Support Team (RIST). This new community RIST team partners all sectors of the social service industry with the Hamilton Police Social Navigator Program . This team compliments the Gold Standard mental health programs that have existed for 25 years.
“I’m excited to connect with the people of Hamilton Centre to share the PC party’s positive vision for our community and all of Ontario,” said Wiesner. “Whether it’s securing investments in clean steel at Dofasco or building light rail transit and new roads and highways, there’s so much momentum in Hamilton and Ontario right now. It’s time that Hamilton Centre has a voice in government to help get things done.”
Pete is a father of two who has been passionately involved in coaching youth sports in Hamilton for over 15 years. He is currently a coach with the Hamilton Cardinals baseball team, in addition to his work with other local clubs and organizations.
“We’re thrilled to welcome a true community champion as our candidate,” said Michael Diamond, President of the Ontario PC Party. “Peter will be a welcome addition to our PC team at Queen’s Park and will be a strong voice for the people of Hamilton Centre as our PC government continues to get it done.”
The by-election in Hamilton Center has yet to be called. For more information, please visit