Today Marks Another Unaffordable Hydro Rate Increase

QUEEN’S PARK –Today, Ontario ratepayers will see yet another increase to their hydro bills, with annual energy costs rising by an average of $37.56. Ontario’s energy rates are increasing at a faster rate than any other jurisdiction in North America. Since November, hydro bills have skyrocketed by an average of $186.96.

“This rate increase is just further proof that life is harder under the Liberals. Ontarians already pay some of the highest energy rates in the continent, and now they will have to endure another increase,” said Ontario PC Energy Critic John Yakabuski (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke). “Families and seniors shouldn’t have to struggle to afford their hydro bills.”

According to the Ontario Energy Board, this rate increase is a result of lower than expected usage in the winter months.

“Only in Ontario could this happen. If you use too much power, rates go up. If you conserve energy, rates still go up,” added MPP Yakabuski. “This is the same Liberal Government that wasted $1.1-billion on the gas plant scandal, and spent an alarming $9.2-billion more than necessary for green energy contracts. While the Liberals would rather blame this rate increase on the weather, it is clear it is the direct result of years of scandal, waste and mismanagement in the energy sector.”

Since the rate increase was announced, testimonials from families struggling to pay their hydro bills have poured in over Facebook to the Ontario PC Party. One individual living in Sault Ste. Marie has a cottage that is unoccupied in the winter months and uses no power – but it costs him more than his home in town that is lived in year round. Another individual was paying $98 a month two years ago, but now, with no changes to his usage, his bill has jumped up to $220 a month. 

“Across the province families are struggling to make ends meet. Excessive hydro rates are making people choose between buying groceries and paying their bill,” Leader Patrick Brown added. “Life only gets harder under the Wynne Liberals. This is a government that’s clearly not looking out for ratepayers.”