As first reported by Mississauga News, Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal MPP, Bob Delaney said “we have tripled (the debt) and we’re proud of it,” adding “I would do it again and I would do it proudly.” When pressed on this by other reporters, Delaney’s immediate reaction was to lie.
In an e-mailed response to AM640, which was obtained by the Mississauga News, Delaney misleadingly claims:
“Not only did I make no such statement, but when an individual at my Budget Breakfast in Streetsville tried several times to ascribe something like it to me, I finally emphasized my disagreement with that statement by saying, “Bulls***!.”
However, an audio recording released by the Mississauga News confirms that the quote from Bob Delaney was accurate, word for word.
Not only has Delaney lied to news stations, he has also taken out sponsored Facebook ads doubling down on this. These ads appear to be bought and paid for with Liberal donors’ money.
This is the exact same approach Liberal MPP Lou Rinaldi took when he was overheard referring to Northern Ontario as a “no man’s land” in a heckle at Queen’s Park. Rinaldi denied making the comments, even going so far as incorrectly claiming that it was a different Ontario PC MPP speaking at the time.
“This is just another example of why Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals are untrustworthy. They will do or say anything to cling to power,” said Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli. “It seems like whenever they get into a bind, their initial gut reaction is to blame others and lie their way out of it.”
“This is a troubling pattern of behavior. Are these MPPs responding this way at the advice of Kathleen Wynne’s office or is it just the Liberal way of managing an issue?” added Fedeli. “The people of Ontario deserve and expect better than this deceptive style of politics.”