What is the Wynne Government Hiding?

The following is a statement from Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli regarding the Financial Accountability Officer’s 2015-16 Annual Report:


“In today’s Annual Report, the FAO reiterated his concern over the Wynne government actively skirting their obligations under the Financial Accountability Officer Act and refusing to disclose information they are obligated to under the law. 

Through the work of the FAO, Ontarians have learned a number of disappointing revelations – the sale of Hydro One will have a negative impact on the province’s finances, business investment is set to decline, and Ontario’s debt level is spiralling out of control. 

He’s also confirmed what the Official Opposition has been saying for months – the government is using one-time money from asset sales, contingency funds, and tax increases to artificially balance the budget in an election year. 

The Ontario PC Caucus once again calls on Premier Wynne to end her government’s pattern of obstruction and give the Financial Accountability Officer and MPPs the necessary documents to hold the government to account on behalf of Ontario taxpayers.

I thank the Financial Accountability Officer and his staff for their tireless work in exposing the true costs of the Wynne government’s waste and mismanagement.”