Why Should Ontario Families Trust the Wynne Liberals?

QUEEN’S PARK – As the Wynne Liberal Government continues to push forward with their reckless climate plan, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown asked the Premier why Ontarians should trust her Government to implement their plan effectively and affordably.


“The people of Ontario can’t trust the government that told us the gas plant scandal would cost just a cup of coffee. They can’t trust the government that told us the Pan Am Games were on budget. They can’t trust the government who over-payed $9.2-billion for renewable contracts,” said Brown. “Everything this government touches ends up of making life harder in Ontario. So how can the people of Ontario trust this government to get cap-and-trade right?”

The Wynne Liberals’ climate plan includes $8.3-billion in new spending and a hidden agenda to ban natural gas for Ontario families and businesses. The end result of the plan will be a load of hidden costs that make life more unaffordable.

“The Liberals insists on making it more expensive to live in Ontario. Hydro rates, the health tax, gas tax, the ORPP, the beer tax, the aviation fuel tax, new income tax rates and increases to virtually every service fee – all of those make it more expensive to live here,” Brown continued. “And now we have an $8.3-billion boondoggle in the making.”

“The people of Ontario can’t trust a government that won’t make their plan revenue neutral. Does any family trust the Premier to get this reckless plan right?”