QUEEN’S PARK – Today during Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown shared with the Premier some of the feedback he heard at the 2016 International Plowing Match.
“Yesterday at the International Plowing Match, I heard one thing over and over again. I am sure the Premier heard it too,” said Brown. “What we heard was that this Liberal band-aid solution does not go far enough to address the hydro crisis in this province.”
The Wynne Liberals’ band-aid solution for rural Ontario customers amounts to a $17 increase in rebates for low-density customers. This is a slap in the face for the countless rural Ontarians that pay hundreds of dollars a month in delivery charges alone, and does nothing to address the skyrocketing electricity prices that have driven many into energy poverty.
“Rural Ontario had a couple of solutions,” Brown continued. “They want this government to stop signing contracts for energy we don’t need, and they want this government to stop the Hydro One fire sale.”
“Was the Premier listening yesterday? Will she make that commitment to rural Ontario?”