Work Remains to Address Ontario’s Correctional Services

QUEEN’S PARK – The Ontario PC Caucus is pleased that the Liberal Government has avoided a dangerous strike and has reached a collective agreement with OPSEU’s Correctional Bargaining Unit, Ontario PC Critic for Community Safety and Correctional Services Rick Nicholls said today.

“It appears the Wynne Liberals finally realized that a strike would have put staff and community safety at risk, and decided to finally take action at the last minute,” said Nicholls.  “It is unfortunate that the Government wasted millions of dollars preparing for a strike instead of bargaining with Ontario’s correctional officers in good faith.”

On December 21st, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown delivered a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Community Safety and Correction Services Yasir Naqvi requesting that the government take urgent action.

“The fact remains that Ontario’s jails are overcrowded, understaffed and increasingly violent.  Our correctional workers work in some of the most dilapidated jails in Canada,” added Nicholls.  “There remains a lot more work to be done to improve what is clearly a dysfunctional corrections system. I am confident that local presidents will review the tentative deal very closely.”

“While the government finally realized that their political interests would be best served by reaching a deal, for years this government has treated correctional officers with virtually no respect and has ignored their concerns,” said Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown.  “Serious safety concerns have been ignored, putting officers’ lives at risk.

On the Ontario PC Leader’s recent trip to Northern Ontario, members of the Ontario PC Caucus visited the Thunder Bay District Jail just days after a full-scale riot at the jail, in which the top floor was destroyed and a correctional officer was held hostage.

“Ontario’s hardworking correctional officers deserve our appreciation and respect. They ensure public safety in some of the most challenging environments while also helping give people a chance to turn their lives around,” concluded Nicholls. “This government has always talked about more hires due to understaffing, more training, and improving safety for our officers.  Let’s hope that their actions speak louder than words.”