QUEEN’S PARK – The Financial Accountability Officer today provided yet another hit to the fiscal credibility of the Wynne government, PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli said.
Today the FAO stated “there appears to be significant downside risk to the government’s forecast. As a result, the FAO expects that staying in balance after 2017-18 will require additional fiscal policy measures – that is, new revenues or lower than projected spending.”
The FAO stated if revenues fail to meet the government’s “optimistic” targets, that “renewed deficits” are possible.
The Ontario PCs have continued to say the government’s finances are a sham, and once again, independent experts confirm it, added Fedeli.
“To fix the mess they’ve created, after the election, the Liberals will go back to raising taxes, cutting health care, and jacking up hydro rates,” he said. “Some might say math is hard, but Wynne Liberal math is downright impossible. Under the Liberals, Ontario families will continue to pay more and get less.”