Today, the Keep Ontario Working Coalition released an economic analysis showing that up to 185,000 Ontario jobs will be put at risk in the first two years because of new upcoming Wynne Liberal labour reforms. The study also found Ontario’s most vulnerable workers will be most impacted.
“We’ve always said these changes are being rolled out too fast, and too soon. This report proves it,” said Ontario PC Labour Critic John Yakabuksi. “It’ll be a tragedy if all of these 185,000 people are put out of work. A higher minimum wage doesn’t help if Ontarians don’t have a job to wake up to in the morning.”
The Ontario PCs have been calling on the Wynne Liberals to conduct their own economic analysis into the proposed changes. To this point, the Wynne Liberals have refused.
“It’s clear the Wynne Liberals are avoiding doing this cost-benefit analysis, because they don’t want to see the results,” added Yakabuski. “We can’t force through changes like this without knowing the impacts on jobs and job creators.”
“Life is harder under the Wynne Liberals. Ontario families are paying more and getting less,” he concluded. “The Ontario PCs recognize the need for higher wages – given how unaffordable life has become – but we must have a measured and evidence-based approach.”