OPG was found to be one of the power companies gaming ratepayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars
Today, during Question Period, Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown asked the Wynne Liberals why they awarded a sizable bonus to the CEO of publicly-owned Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the companies responsible for gaming ratepayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars.
In total, nine companies, including OPG, bilked ratepayers for over $260 million in ineligible expenses, much of which has never been paid back.
“We know OPG was gaming the system at the same time hydro rates were skyrocketing, seniors were getting their power disconnected, and families were afraid to open their hydro bills,” said Brown.
“How did the government respond? They ignored warning after warning after warning, and then they rewarded the former CEO of OPG with a bonus worth half a million dollars,” added Brown.
Tom Mitchell, OPG’s CEO from 2009 to 2015, was awarded a $563,000 bonus in 2016 – the year after he retired.
“A half a million dollar bonus while the system was being played like a fiddle. Who signed off on the half a million dollar bonus while OPG bilked the system and stole from ratepayers?” asked Brown.
Brown called on the Wynne Liberals to ensure ratepayers are re-paid the outstanding costs by December 31st.