QUEEN’S PARK – Today, the Legislature reconvened for the first Question Period since the Wynne Liberals’ desperate Throne Speech, in which they detailed hydro band-aid solutions that will do little to help Ontario families struggling to make ends meet.
During Question Period, Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown called it “too little, too late,” saying, “The Premier can tout this plan all she wants, but let’s be clear: hydro rates aren’t going down. In fact, they will go up again on November 1st before this band-aid solution kicks in.”
The Wynne Liberals’ HST band-aid will represent an 8 per cent rebate on hydro bills that will come into effect on January 1, 2017. Despite this, unaffordable rate increases are expected to continue, including one on November 1st.
“How does that equal relief from hydro bills for Ontario?” added Brown.
“If the Wynne Liberals were serious about tackling the province’s energy crisis they wouldn’t have given away 3 billion dollars’ worth of energy in 3 years. The government wouldn’t have signed 12 renewable contracts for energy we didn’t need. And they wouldn’t have started the Hydro One fire sale.”