QUEEN’S PARK – Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown used Question Period today to ask the Deputy Premier why her government’s priorities are lining the pockets of Liberal friends while Ontario families struggle to pay for skyrocketing hydro rates. Freedom of Information (FOI) requests have revealed that the Liberal government has awarded nearly $3 million dollars in government contracts to David Herle and his company, Gandalf Group.
This revelation follows news earlier this week that David Herle has been reappointed as Managing Campaign Co-chair for the Ontario Liberal Party. Findings include that David Herle and another employee of Gandalf Group billed Ontario Power Generation at $420 per hour, and Gandalf Group was awarded contracts by the Ontario Energy Board worth over $347,000.
“Families are being forced to pay $420 dollars a month for hydro, while David Herle makes that in an hour,” said Brown. “Is this the Deputy Premier and Liberal Campaign co-chair’s way of saying thank you and padding his salary for the next election campaign?”
As Herle’s government contracts are paid for with taxpayer dollars, Brown called for the Wynne Liberals to release all polling and research done by David Herle and Gandalf Group.
“If this process is as fair and transparent as the Liberals say, they need to give us proof,” Brown stated. “This was paid for by the people, and therefore the people should see this data – or do the Liberals have something to hide?”