Wynne Liberals raising taxes by $2 billion

Buried deep in Kathleen Wynne’s budget, on page 294, were $2 billion in tax hikes for Ontario families and businesses.

  • 1.8 million Ontarians will pay $200 more in personal income taxes each year, or $855 million in new taxes over three years.
  • 20,000 Ontario businesses will pay $2,400 more per year, or $100 million in new taxes over three years.
  • The Liberals are copying and pasting Justin Trudeau’s unpopular small business taxes, which will increase taxes on businesses by more than $1 billion over three years.

“The Wynne Liberals are on a re-election spending spree, and the only way they will be able to pay for it is by taking more money out of Ontario families’ pockets,” said Ontario PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli. “If the Premier is willing to raise taxes by $2 billion just weeks before an election, just imagine what she will do if she’s re-elected.”

“Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals can’t be trusted. They will do, say, or promise anything to cling to power,” added Fedeli. “It’s time for a change in Ontario. The Ontario PC Party will respect the taxpayer, and bring relief to Ontario families and businesses.”