Wynne Liberals shamelessly self-promoting a delayed infrastructure project: “‘Cuz we’re good like that.”

Only the Wynne Liberals and Metrolinx are tone deaf enough to pat themselves on the back for a four year failure to deliver at Union Station amid growing commuter frustration, according to Ontario PC Transportation Critic Michael Harris.

After days of questions over the Minister of Transportation’s role in overruling Metrolinx recommendations on GO station approvals, they are coming under fire again for an advertisement promoting the new Bay Concourse at Union Station. 

The advertisement, brought to you by Metrolinx, reads, “We’re building you a 61,000 sq ft state-of-the-art transit hub. ‘Cuz we’re good like that.” The advertisement also promotes the fact the new Bay Concourse will be coming in 2018, when the renovation was supposed to have been completed in 2014.

“Wynne Liberal arrogance and entitlement knows no bounds. The fact the Wynne Liberals and Metrolinx are advertising a delayed infrastructure project in such an out of touch and self-serving manner is proof they are no longer looking out for the best interests of Ontario families and commuters,” said Ontario PC Transportation Critic Michael Harris.

“We have a government that is not only entirely incapable of delivering projects on time and on budget, but that actively celebrates it,” added Harris. “This is a project that was supposed to be ready for the PanAM Games – the games in Toronto, not 2019 Peru!”