Wynne Liberals shun Northerners on property tax charge concerns

Kathleen Wynne needs to resolve an 18-month old property assessment dispute that has left a senior widow in Northern Ontario facing thousands of dollars in extra costs, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli demanded today in Question Period.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) sent notice that the property value assessment in question will jump from $78,000 to $186,000. This now means a municipal tax bill as high as $11,200.

“It would take 11 months of her widow’s pension just to cover her tax bill,” said Fedeli, noting the home doesn’t even have access to municipal water, sewage service, sidewalks, cable TV, natural gas, and neighbourhood parks.

“How is that fair? Speaker, how does the Premier expect a senior on a fixed income, to afford to live in the high-cost Ontario she’s created?”

Fedeli further noted that when confronted with the issue, local Liberals refused face-to-face meetings back in March 2016. In October 2016, the Premier offered her personal assistance, but took no action.

“We don’t need a fact-finding mission from the Premier’s office staff – we need action!” exclaimed Fedeli, who added that 40 other nearby families are having a similar issue.

“Will the Premier take action today, or does she need longer than 18 months?”