Wynne Liberals sign 390 more expensive green energy contracts

The Wynne Liberals continue to sign expensive green energy contracts for power Ontario doesn’t need.

Just seven months after Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault admitted mistakes were made with Ontario’s green energy program, the Wynne Liberals have surprisingly announced 390 new FIT contracts for 150 megawatts of power. 

“The Wynne Liberals continue to sign even more energy contracts, leaving ratepayers on the hook for power we don’t need,” said Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown. “This is the reason that rates have skyrocketed under the Wynne Liberals, and this is the reason that rates will continue to skyrocket under the Wynne Liberals.” 

The Energy Minister admitted in his February speech that Ontario’s renewable energy procurements “led to a number of sub-optimal outcomes.” It’s why the Ontario PCs have long-called the Green Energy Act the “Bad Contracts Act.”

“The definition of insanity is committing the same mistakes over and over again,” added Brown who pointed to the Auditor General’s 2015 report which revealed that Ontario ratepayers overpaid $9.2 billion for green energy.

The Ontario PCs have criticized the Ontario Liberals for awarding massive green energy contracts to companies that donated $1.3 million to the Ontario Liberal Party.

“If elected, an Ontario PC Government would put an immediate freeze on the signing of future energy contracts,” concluded Brown. “Ontario families are working harder, paying more, and getting less. It’s time for energy policies that help families pay less and get ahead, not policies that benefit Liberal insiders.”