QUEEN’S PARK – This morning, Ontario PC Health Critic Jeff Yurek (MPP for Elgin-Middlesex-London) rose in the legislature to question the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care on the government’s decision to impose additional cuts to Ontario physician services.

“Minister, on October 1st, your government is slashing another $235 million dollars from physician services,” said Jeff Yurek.  “At a time when Ontario’s population is growing and struggling to find a doctor; at a time when our aging population requires more help, more time with front line services and more complex care.  Minister, you are turning your back on doctors and the patients they care for. How can you continue to insist you’re fully funding health care when you continue to make cuts to doctors, nurses and pharmacies?”

There are currently 800,000 people in Ontario without a family doctor and 140,000 new patients entering the health care system every year.  In addition, the Liberal Government cut health care by $54 million in this year’s budget, despite the Federal Government providing a 6% increase in health care funding.

“If the Liberal government continues with frontline health care cuts, patients will be unable to access services when they need them,” Yurek added.  “Many Ontarians are without a doctor and these unilateral cuts will impact care in the future as doctors will retire or leave the province instead of continuing to work in Ontario.”

Yurek concluded, “Minister, you are asking doctors to foot the bill for medical care your government should be covering. The deal you have forced on Ontario’s physicians is restricting access to care for those in need. How can you justify these cuts when so many patients are in need?  The Wynne Liberals needs to start working with frontline health care providers to find savings and efficiencies in the sector, while providing timely and accessible health care services to all Ontarians.”

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/T3avP6hLA48